Thursday 26 May 2011


I love red tulips....they look great planted on their own, mass planted or with pink accent (pink and red do look good together!) I do suggest them NOT planted with yellow tulips...that look is too extreme in my opinion...and looks like a truck stop!


I think that there is room in every landscape for the native Serviceberry tree! With it's white flowers in spring, blue berries in late summer, to beautiful red fall colour what's not to love. It has small stature and can be pruned as a multi stemmed tree or to a standard one trunk tree form.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Mud and Moss

I think moss is so interesting! There are so many different types and if you look closely, it looks like a miniature forest. I especially like the "Sundews" which are not exactly moss, but very small carnivorous plants that capture tiny insects in their the dew that forms on their leaves.
I love mud as is shows all the animal activity in our forest....raccoon paw prints look so much like a human hand!

Friday 13 May 2011

Trilliums, Magnolia and more!

Wow, I think Minesing is the idea spot for Trilliums! I bet it's the high water table that makes them propagate so prolifically....

Ahh, the flowers of the Magnolia tree. I think this shrubby tree is an ideal tree for the residential landscape. It has beautiful large leaves that come out after flowering and it doesn't get huge and overpowering.

Bleeding Heart flowers are so unusual and a favorite of children everywhere!

Another unusual flower is the native "Jack in the Pulpit". Keep you eyes open on your forest walks...they have similar leaves to the Trillium, but a little lighter green and colour with a waxy appearance.

Monday 9 May 2011

Forest Flowers etc.

With all the sun we had this weekend, many forest flowers popped up on our property! The reason they are so abundant this time of year is that the tree canopy has not sprouted leaves yet so it's their one chance to get the light to bloom profusely. Here are some neat pics I took! Don't mind the dirty thumbnail!!